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HIST 204: History of the United States II

How many books can I check out at one time?

You can have up to one hundred items checked out to you at one time. All one hundred of these items may be books, or you may check out 7 DVDs at a time (and have them for one week) and then only 93 books. Or you can check out two video games, plus seven DVDs but then you would only be able to check out 91 books.

Why can’t I log in to the Library online?

Make sure you are using the same login credentials you use to access your email. If you are able to log in to your Point Park email but not the Library, it may be time to update your password. To do this, you can call the IT Help Desk at 412-392-3494, or email Or, if you can log in to your Point Park email, you can change your password by going into Outlook, clicking your initals/profile in the upper right corner, clicking "My Account," then "Security and Privacy," and select the option to change your password. Once your password is reset, you will be able to log in. If this does not solve the problem, email the Library ( or call us (412-392-3171).

Can I renew my books and DVDs?

You can renew what you have checked out by going to your account through PointCat (the Library's catalog): Look here.

Does the Library have my textbooks?

The Library has a lot of textbooks that can be used in the Library for 3 hours at a time. The Library also has three scannX book scanners that can be used to scan and create PDFs of your readings that you can email to yourself, download to a USB, etc. FOR FREE

What are the Library’s hours?

Online? The Library’s resources are available 24/7 here.

Hours for the building are listed on the Library's homepage.

Does the Library really have a Nap Room?